Friday, August 22, 2008
Fibre Fibre Everywhere...
Ok I may just have to keep one of these but can you guess which one? Maybe the clue is in the name!!
Edited to add: If you click on the photo it will take you to flickr, I have been naming all my fibres after song titles.
Saturday, August 16, 2008
This Weeks Colours
This weeks colours! Dyeing is beginning to feel like an Olympic Event in this house! I have dyed another 1200g this week. I am preparing stock for I-Knit Day on the 6th September, where I will be helping my lovely SP from SP10 Jon Dunn from Easy Knits.
Thursday, August 14, 2008
Bits of Blah!
Then later in the week I had a surprise package, inside were these lovely spinning tools, a wraps per inch gauge (one I can tie to my wheel so I won't lose it), a diz and a plying tool! What a great SP this is turning out to be, thankyou very much pal, hope the weather is being good to you so you can keep on with those knitting picnics!
Last Saturday the 1066 Spinners had been asked to demonstrate at a local fair. The weather forecast had been for scattered showers, but there was a good patch of blue sky when I got up so I set off, and we arrived and set up our stand, unfortunately the blue sky was hiding another outdoor peril, high winds, just after we had set up our table blew over, luckily there were heavier trestles around so we managed to secure one of them! After a couple of hours spinning and being buffeted by high winds I was chilled to the bone, but luckily had my wooly hat in the pocket of my waterproof jacket, have to keep reminding myself that it is August!
We were rained off the field by 1pm, but I had almost spun most of this pretty merino! I came home divided the last of the fibre, spun a thin single to ply with the thick and thin, and this is what I ended up with! It weighs almost 4 oz (112g) , it's a bulky, about 6wpi, and 70m!