I'm still here, now 32 weeks pregnant so if Baba Jelly does decide to arrive on time that's 8 more weeks! Last February we saw alot of white stuff. I am hoping that all the white stuff stays out of the way around my due date for obvious reasons, in the recent white out several babies were born in cars on route to hospitals and birthing centres.
Every year the Front Row Fashion Show is held in Hastings and they have a Charity Shop Challenge where you spend £10 or less on garments from Charity Shops and then re-make them into an outfit. This year I finally got it together and entered this dress made from ties and an old leather jacket!
I've also been doing a little more weaving on my mini weaving square, I've been using Noro Sock and Noro Silk Garden Sock, I did get 29 squares from my first ball used double, and now I'm using a different colourway and introducing a few new colours. It is a long term project I keep picking up from time to time, as I want about 300 squares for a decent size throw!
I have finished my handspun Annis, although I haven't managed to get a photo of it yet. I've also been spinning steadily away on my sweater scraps yarn. I wanted to get the yarn spun before the baby arrives. I have 600g spun which I washed and measured last week to see how it was going. 500g is all about the same and I measured 1,702 metres, this actually averages out at 340 metres per skein and is enough for me to start on a sweater. I have a skinny 100g which is much finer than the other 5, but may work when I've done some swatching and finalised the design. I have another 200g left to spin but since I think I have enough yarn already I'm not going to start on it yet!
Monday, December 13, 2010
Thursday, October 28, 2010
100 Days To Go!
100 days to go, and it's about bloody time I updated the poor neglected blog!
There has been a little knitting....and frogging going on.
I started another Clapotis, much as I love the first one I made in the Silk Garden it is quite heavy so I thought I would make a more colourful option in silk garden sock, although I wasn't happy with the way it was going so I frogged it. Maybe I'll stripe it with a similar yarn for a different effect.
I realised at the last Kent Guild meeting that I still hadn't made anything for this years Guild Fashion Show which will be the last Saturday in November so I had a little look through my Ravelry favourites and picked out the Annis Shawl. Then I balled up the camel/silk I had spun for the 800yard Challenge and cast on, well attempted the cast on....at least 3 times before I went back to Ravelry and had a little read up on it, then it sat around for 2 more weeks waiting for me find the time to do the crochet chain for a provisional cast on.
Finally got it done last week, although had to frog and restart when I decided the 5mm needles were going to make it too big....I'm on 4mm needles now and almost finished, but worrying that I should have used 4.5mm instead......not going to be able to tell now till I've finished the short rows....which are becoming quite long and tedious!
Maybe I should stick to spinning, I'm still slowly working on the Scraps Yarn for my sweater project. Part of me is in no hurry to finish, because it probably won't be a sweater I wear this year, over the ever expanding body. I was going to upload the latest (25 week) bump shot, unfortunately although the photo appears up the right way on my computer, the new photo widget is turning it landscape so I look like the Himalayas. You can see it my my 'Mind The Bump' set on flickr where I have been documenting the bump as it grows.
I will try to be a better blogger, and come back soon, this will be dependant on me actually having something worth blogging about....like a shawl....although since I have just given another pair of handwarmers away I may have to start knitting some more, I can't possibly go wrong with handwarmers now can I!
There has been a little knitting....and frogging going on.
I started another Clapotis, much as I love the first one I made in the Silk Garden it is quite heavy so I thought I would make a more colourful option in silk garden sock, although I wasn't happy with the way it was going so I frogged it. Maybe I'll stripe it with a similar yarn for a different effect.
I realised at the last Kent Guild meeting that I still hadn't made anything for this years Guild Fashion Show which will be the last Saturday in November so I had a little look through my Ravelry favourites and picked out the Annis Shawl. Then I balled up the camel/silk I had spun for the 800yard Challenge and cast on, well attempted the cast on....at least 3 times before I went back to Ravelry and had a little read up on it, then it sat around for 2 more weeks waiting for me find the time to do the crochet chain for a provisional cast on.
Finally got it done last week, although had to frog and restart when I decided the 5mm needles were going to make it too big....I'm on 4mm needles now and almost finished, but worrying that I should have used 4.5mm instead......not going to be able to tell now till I've finished the short rows....which are becoming quite long and tedious!
Maybe I should stick to spinning, I'm still slowly working on the Scraps Yarn for my sweater project. Part of me is in no hurry to finish, because it probably won't be a sweater I wear this year, over the ever expanding body. I was going to upload the latest (25 week) bump shot, unfortunately although the photo appears up the right way on my computer, the new photo widget is turning it landscape so I look like the Himalayas. You can see it my my 'Mind The Bump' set on flickr where I have been documenting the bump as it grows.
I will try to be a better blogger, and come back soon, this will be dependant on me actually having something worth blogging about....like a shawl....although since I have just given another pair of handwarmers away I may have to start knitting some more, I can't possibly go wrong with handwarmers now can I!
Sunday, August 15, 2010
MIA and news from the other side!
Instead of coming back every week, like I had hoped to I seem to have been Missing In Action for longer than normal.
I did have a bit of a break from knitting....I wasn't really happy with the sock I was knitting and the neck of the self designed sweater wasn't going as planned.
I did get some spinning done for the Tour De Fleece, this is from Scraps Swap 2 and 3, I have divided the 400g of scraps into 4 bags. This is the first skein and the second skein in progress on the bobbin. I am plying with grey merino and should have about 800g for a cardigan or sweater by the time it is all spun, I'm almost half way!
I have also been spinning and dyeing in public at the Kent County Show, and last weekend I was spinning at the Winchelsea Féte with the 1066 Spinners.
For anyone else who happens to stop by who isn't a friend on Ravelry and Facebook and hasn't seen my other news, there is going to be a new arrival next February:
I did have a bit of a break from knitting....I wasn't really happy with the sock I was knitting and the neck of the self designed sweater wasn't going as planned.
I did get some spinning done for the Tour De Fleece, this is from Scraps Swap 2 and 3, I have divided the 400g of scraps into 4 bags. This is the first skein and the second skein in progress on the bobbin. I am plying with grey merino and should have about 800g for a cardigan or sweater by the time it is all spun, I'm almost half way!
Last weekend we dressed up to take part in Pirate Day, and attempt to get the World Record for the most pirates gathered in one place, Hastings now holds the record with 6,166 Pirates!
For anyone else who happens to stop by who isn't a friend on Ravelry and Facebook and hasn't seen my other news, there is going to be a new arrival next February:
I was waiting for the 12 week scan before I went public, and now I am 15 weeks this weekend I can feel the baby moving around more.
Hopefully now my knitting mojo has returned as I need to get on and design the jacket or cardigan for my City and Guilds Handknitting. Ideally i would like to crack on and get it finished before the baby arrives, although I am having trouble getting a yarn and the early samples to work together!
Saturday, June 12, 2010
Bigsock/Little Sock
We decided the simplest way to work the afterthought heel for Bigsock was from the inside out like a toe, although rather than a closed cast on we have 500 sts cast on into a crochet chain which we will graft later on. The plan is for this part of the sock to travel the UK. Germany are going to be casting on the toe and we can then be working the foot between us!
I finally got past the short row heel on my little Leyburn sock, after 6 failed attempts for one reason or another. I think the first time I wasn't paying attention with my wraps....a couple of times I got a stretched stitch I couldn't fix, then I got further up and realised that the leg was going to be too big, once when I frogged back I didn't check the position of the heel and foot stitches and was a stitch out, another time the foot was too long, then I knit it too short, but on the bright side I am very pleased with how my handspun has held out after all that frogging and re-knitting.
I'm not that far off finishing the first sock now, maybe a few more inches and just weighed the ball of wool to see how it is going....I have 110g on the scales which means so far I have only used 20g! I think I will check again when it is cast off!
Thursday, June 03, 2010
It's about time!
Oh me oh my, I can hardly believe I seem to have lost the whole month of May! There was I on the 22nd April counting down the days (quietly) to my 'big' birthday, and before I knew it we had hit 22nd May...and now look we're into June.
So my birthday was a quiet affair and there have been a few photos set aside for blog posting, although I've just looked for a picture of the long legged sheep that the boys got me, and I can't find it, I know I took one, but it's not in my photos folder or on the laptop, so we'll just continue with some photos from this week!
First up is my Leyburn sock, I had knit up to the ankle and frogged back once, simply because I made a few adjustments as I went and decided to take it out and redo it. This is part of the spin/knitalong we are doing in the limegreenjelly group at the moment. Some people are doing Scrunchie Handwarmers and some are doing the Leyburns and a few are doing both!
I have also been experimenting with a little yarn dyeing this week, these are superwash nylon sock:
The handknit sweater design is coming together, I am just hemming the sleeves and sewing the sleeves in, although you may not get a peek just yet!
I will try not to leave it another month!
So my birthday was a quiet affair and there have been a few photos set aside for blog posting, although I've just looked for a picture of the long legged sheep that the boys got me, and I can't find it, I know I took one, but it's not in my photos folder or on the laptop, so we'll just continue with some photos from this week!
First up is my Leyburn sock, I had knit up to the ankle and frogged back once, simply because I made a few adjustments as I went and decided to take it out and redo it. This is part of the spin/knitalong we are doing in the limegreenjelly group at the moment. Some people are doing Scrunchie Handwarmers and some are doing the Leyburns and a few are doing both!
I have also been experimenting with a little yarn dyeing this week, these are superwash nylon sock:
The handknit sweater design is coming together, I am just hemming the sleeves and sewing the sleeves in, although you may not get a peek just yet!
I will try not to leave it another month!
Thursday, April 22, 2010
I finished the 3ply this week. It didn't actually turn out quite how I imagined. When I split the fiber up I had 7 pieces following the same colour sequence so I figured if I made each piece into 3 then I would have 7 repeats of the colours. I know some of my pieces were thicker than others but didn't think it would split the colours up quite as much as it did, still I'm pleased with the result!
I had been warned that the fibre would bleed a little so I did fix it with a couple of big spoons of citric and bring it up to cook slowly. There wasn't alot of bleed in the water at the end, but the brighter yellow and lime are a little more muted in places, but it hasn't spoiled it!
I have 130g and 450metres, ideal for socks which is handy because we are having a spin/knitalong in the limegreenjelly group over on Ravelry at the moment, I'm hoping it will be suitable for the pattern which is the Leyburn Socks!
Saturday, April 10, 2010
Two Out Of Three Ain't Bad!
The knitting is still plodding steadily, and I have managed to get a little more spinning done. Good job really as Scraps Swap 2 and Scraps Swap 3 (400g of scraps) have arrived and I can't really start spinning them until I finish this 3ply!
Saturday, March 27, 2010
I'm Still Standing!
Yeah, yeah yeah! In the great words of Sir Elton John!
Yes I have been neglecting the blog a little! In knitting news I'm still busy knitting the sweater. It is going well, I am up to the armholes, and have just started working on the back piece. The small gauge makes it slow going, although it is starting to take shape.
I did start a little spinning for the Pararavelympics, although haven't got past the 1st bobbin of the 3ply I started., mainly due to sweater knitting, and when I'm not knitting on this sweater or working I am also thinking about the cardigan/jacket design I need to start when the sweater is finished. Maybe I should start practicing the 5 minutes a day....I would like to finish this yarn at some point!
It is almost a month since we held our 1066 Spinners Dye workshop, this was the 3rd Workshop I have done and the best one so far, mainly because I've learnt as I go what works and what can go wrong. We had a great day in a lovely hall and I think we'll probably hold a simlar Dyeing Day next year.
I put Gemma, one of the knitters I invited, in charge of taking photos and we have some great shots.

These are the before and after shots!

There are quite a few inbetween shots of me demonstrating, and of the group dyeing too, I will try and get them edited and up on flickr....but for now I've got to get back to that sweater!
Saturday, March 06, 2010
This Time Last Week......
I was at Brixton Academy, one of my favourite venues for seeing a band.

Waiting (not quite) patiently for one of my favourite bands...

Hot Chip...this was the third time I've seen Hot Chip and the best gig so far.

I could see them 'over and over and over and over' again. I'm a little frustrated that I can't see how to share the YouTube video here any more...but nevermind.
Knitting news, I am quietly beavering away on my sweater project. No sneaky peeking yet!
I still need to block my Swallowtail and I've had a scarf on my loom since Christmas, ok so the scarf is still on my loom because the sweater design is my top priority at the moment, closely followed by spinning, but I would just like to free the loom up ready for something else, maybe knowing that I haven't really got time for something else right now is the problem!

Waiting (not quite) patiently for one of my favourite bands...

Hot Chip...this was the third time I've seen Hot Chip and the best gig so far.

I could see them 'over and over and over and over' again. I'm a little frustrated that I can't see how to share the YouTube video here any more...but nevermind.
Knitting news, I am quietly beavering away on my sweater project. No sneaky peeking yet!
I still need to block my Swallowtail and I've had a scarf on my loom since Christmas, ok so the scarf is still on my loom because the sweater design is my top priority at the moment, closely followed by spinning, but I would just like to free the loom up ready for something else, maybe knowing that I haven't really got time for something else right now is the problem!
Tuesday, February 23, 2010
Wednesday, February 10, 2010
This week it's all been about scrapping fibre for the 1st UK Scraps Swap!
Here are my scraps, I have split every scrap into 2 pieces and have 2 bags ready to make a 2ply yarn. It has been such a successful swap we have decided to do it all over again, although I'm not hosting it this time!
Inspired by the Scraps Swap Group on Ravelry I decided to see if there were enough people in the UK interested in a scraps swap. We had 28 people in this first swap and over 5kg of fibre.
I gradually worked my way through scrapping all the fibre by doing 8 braids a day, and just had a few left Monday lunchtime.
I then started making up scrap bags, and once I started I got through all 28 quite quickly. I then got them all packed up and labelled and off to all the participants of the swap!

Tuesday, February 02, 2010
So we've done with January and here is February already! I had hoped to have been back sooner with yarn photos, but keeping all the balls in the air at this time of year always seems harder.
The second one is about 200g of merino. I spindle spun half, back in October when I was at the Textiles in Sussex Exhibition. I found a very similar braid so wheel spun that up to ply together.

There is alot of sample knitting going on for the sweater I am designing, and finally the Swallowtail has been cast off and is waiting for some blocking.
Hopefully by Spring my multi-tasking skills may get back to normal!
This first skein is camel/silk. It was an attempt at the 800yard race, but fell quite short at 576 yards, although probably my best effort yet from 100g!

There is alot of sample knitting going on for the sweater I am designing, and finally the Swallowtail has been cast off and is waiting for some blocking.
Sunday, January 17, 2010
Scrunchie Rides Again!

I think this pair will be for my neice as her mum had a pair while I was visiting at Christmas and I said I would knit her a pair too.
Not alot else to show at the moment, there has been a little bit of spinning, and I washed some skeins today so maybe some yarn photos later in the week!
Sunday, January 10, 2010
Take The Weather With You!

There has been a bit of snow causing havoc in the UK this week. More snow than I have seen since the 1970s!
I did manage to finish my camel/silk. It's not really a contender for the 800yard race, I had 576 yards, which was a little disappointing, although I think I could achieve 700 with a different fibre. No photos yet, I've not got around to washing it!
Apart from that I've been doing some garment sketches for my City and Guilds Handknitting, and working on some tv handwarmer knitting.
I also want to say a big Happy Birthday to Marianne, for Tuesday! Happy Birthday Big Sis, hope you have a lovely birthday! xoxox
Friday, January 01, 2010
Happy New Year!

So here we are in 2010! Some people have been busy writing resolutions and goals for the New Year, I'm not really someone who bothers with all that much and I don't feel that you have to set yourself goals to feel you have achieved something, it's really down to the individual.
I didn't consciously set any goals for 2009, and if you look at my knitting projects there are probably less projects finished last year to the 3 years recorded previously, but if you look at my Handpainted Fibre Set you can see just how productive I really was. Then add to that a few scarves and a several skeins of yarn and I actually achieved quite a bit. I've put together a little photo mosaic of some of the projects, I think my Clapotis is missing at the moment. It must be in flickr as its in my Ravelry projects but sometimes it's like looking for a needle in a haystack when I haven't added it to the right set. I think I may just put knitting, weaving and handspun for 2010 in a Set of their own together rather than have a set for each!
I didn't consciously set any goals for 2009, and if you look at my knitting projects there are probably less projects finished last year to the 3 years recorded previously, but if you look at my Handpainted Fibre Set you can see just how productive I really was. Then add to that a few scarves and a several skeins of yarn and I actually achieved quite a bit. I've put together a little photo mosaic of some of the projects, I think my Clapotis is missing at the moment. It must be in flickr as its in my Ravelry projects but sometimes it's like looking for a needle in a haystack when I haven't added it to the right set. I think I may just put knitting, weaving and handspun for 2010 in a Set of their own together rather than have a set for each!
I am happy that everything I did in 2009 enriched my well being. My spinning has really improved and I've made a start with weaving....but 2010 needs to have some new challenges ...I may not achieve all of them, but I am trying to set myself achievable goals as oppose to setting my sights on something just a little out of reach like a Number 1 single in the charts.
Spinning....I would like to learn some different drafting techniques, and to conquer my fear of Long Draw.
I'm also going to try spinning and sampling more yarns, and will be setting up some more spinning challenges in the limegreenjelly group on Ravelry.
Knitting....I need to design and knit 2 garments for my City & Guilds Handknitting.
Weaving....I'm going to spin up my pick and mix faux cashmere/silk yarns and weave a scarf (once the current scarf project os off the loom)
Talking of challenges we are still having an 800yard Race in the limegreenjelly group on Ravelry, anyone is welcome to join. I have some camel/silk on the wheel at the moment which I am hoping will be a contender!
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