At 2pm sharp I left Jon to it, as I hightailed it over the road for the Harlot addressing the masses. It was pouring with rain as we all queued outside Lindley hall, but thanks to my new best friend, whoever you are, who didn't mind sharing her umbrella with me while we waited to get in, I didn't get too wet as I was only wearing a t.shirt!
As I was on my own....I managed to nab a stray seat 4 rows from the front, and who should be there directly infront of me but my friend from City & Guilds Knitting, Heather, and just infront of her Celtic Memory Jo too!
After the talk (it was hilarious and so true, of course) I went for a wander around the other stalls, and settled back with Jon for a bit, but the above photo is just to show you, that Stephanie was seated right behind within almost touching distance, for the rest of the afternoon doing the book signing.
Eventually towards the end of the day, as the queue started to dwindle Luke and I took our places.
Here is Stephanie writing Obsession is normal in my copy of Things I Learned From Knitting! hence the title of this post.
I had a wonderful, wonderful and busy day, not only did lots of nice people come and buy my braids, I got to meet lovely UK Swap Pal, Rosie, blog friends Cassandra, and Jen (again), I met Natalie from the Yarn Yard, and Probably Jane, and even a lurker who reads here, lovely to know I have lurkers! Hi Caroline, and a special hello to Larissa who we queued with for the book signing, and who took the photos for me, and who was lucky on the draw and won a spindle and a whole pile of gorgeous fibre and didn't spin, it was fate, she had to learn and a quick spinning lesson was the order of the day! and hello to anyone else I met in the excitement of the day who wanders in here who I may have forgotten to mention.
So all the excitement doesn't really stop here: I need to get dyeing and get some more fibre up in the etsy store, my 200th post is coming up aswell as my blogiversary, and I've also had a brilliant idea to start Bigsock from the toe up to travel around Europe and the UK, so that when the top of the sock comes back from the US we just need to unite the two parts by grafting!
Oh WOW what a wonderful day , lucky you :)
Oh WOW what a wonderful day , lucky you :)
How awesome! I'm glad your show went well, and lucky you, meeting the Harlot! :0)
You must have been utterly exhausted! Your fibre is amazing and it was so good to meet you. And whilst Cambridge University might think nobody carries emergency knitting I know an enormous group of knitters in Cambridge who'd love to work on Bigsock!
oh Jo, fantastic photos...I am totally jealous of course!
Sounds like you had a fantastic time! I'm so glad everything went so well (despite the rain)!
Hey Sweets, SO glad you made it there and holy smokes, the size of those fibre braids! They look huge!
Glad you met Stephanie, she's lovely,eh?
I'm glad it was such a fun and successful day for you, tiring as it was, still... making good time.
Your booth was orderly and colorful and inviting...everything I love in a booth. It sounds like a wonderful day.
Looks like it was a very lively event!
I'm glad you had so much fun and sold well too.
Meeting the other bloggers must have been great.
Have you something planned for your 200th post / blogiversary?
You must be washed out. You've not considered having a bit of a rest for a couple of days before you launch off again? If not then I want a pint of whatever is that keeps you going.
I'm so glad that you guys had such a wonderful weekend! Cheers to you!!!
Oh it looks like you had a wonderful day.
I'm ashamed to say that I've never read any of Stephanie's book....but I read her blog regularly.
So jealous that you get to meet her. I wish she would come over to Munich.
I've nominated you for an award, come see...
I'm glad you had a good time!
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