I have been out spinning in the sunshine a little bit, here I am at the Winchelsea Féte with the 1066 Spinners. An enjoyable Saturday afternoon, and they brought us fabulous tea and cakes!

Both Bluefaced Leicester, I was spinning the first one with 'masculine' woven scarves in mind, although I have some more merino/angora (which I finished spinning last week) to go on the loom first! The second one is a braid I started spindle spinning at Woolfest, I got impatient and finished it off on the wheel.
On the knitting front my Swallowtail just needs a little quiet time, I've also started a Heartland Lace Shawl with some overcooked handspun alpaca you may get to see soon.
the yarn is lovely and it sounds like the perfect way to spend a summer day!
Not long now to the schools going back and normal service resuming.
I thought there would be another scarf to see, maybe next time.
Ahhh, now there's my little sis sitting in the sunshine, good of you to be wearing a hat!
Your yarn is gorgeous, as always!
I love the idea of spinning in the sunshine! Perhaps I'll have to take my own wheel outside. :o)
I'm totally with you on neglecting the blog. It's been too lovely a summer here and I just don't feel I have the brain to craft a post. Perhaps you will be my inspiration!
And the yarns are lovely, lovely.
You had some sunshine to spin in?
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