Thought I would share with you my entry for the Texere Variety Bag competition, I'm calling it Pot Luck and who knows, maybe I will be lucky, maybe not, it was certainly fun to make and I really like the results. These first two photos are the truest colour match I could get, its more of a turquoise mix than the blue of the final two photos.
Basically what the competition asks you to do is do something creative with one of their Variety Bags. They suggested to let the colour of your chosen bag inspire you, what I have tried to do is keep to the KISS principle, which means Keep It Simple Stupid! I knew I wanted to make a 3D object, and initially I tried to crochet a simple pot, but it felt and looked a bit overworked and clumsy, so I experimented with just simply coiling the threads on the sewing machine with a basic zig-zag stitch and I think the overall effect works.

On the knitting front I finally stitched the raglan seams of my vintage Vogue sweater last night, only to find the side seams need a bit more blocking and tweaking before I can stitch them together and then its ready for its roll neck. Anyway its not like I'm working to a deadline, if I had wanted it completed I would have finished it by now. Why do we knit something beautiful and then spend alot of time procrastinating about blocking and making up, well this time its a combination of not wanting to ruin it by rushing the finish, and fear of it not fitting quite right once I've finished putting it together, which is silly as its been blocked and measured, and double checked, but I still somehow don't trust myself, its just plain daft, but there's nothing worse than labouring over a sweater only to find once its completed that its not how you imagined it. Like falling in love with a garment in a shop window or catalogue, only to be disappointed with it once you actually get it on. Anyway I'm going to chill out with my wheel tonight, and schedule the blocking for tomorrow maybe.
Lovely colours, but Jo, there's a hole in the bucket..?
Hello neighbour ,thanks for visiting ..i've been here a few times but only lurked ..too shy !!
That's an interesting bag by the way and, totally off topic ..I can't believe you have a eucalypt in close vicinity ..Gum trees are rather lovely and obviously very adaptable !
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