Anyway I've been tagged by Angie with the 7 Random Things Meme,which has been doing the rounds, so here is my best shot...
Well for starters sewing up knitting or crochet projects is not one of my favourite things, maybe that's why I love to spin so much....the finishing process for yarn mainly involves washing and then setting the twist, I find stitching up quite stressful and need to be in the right frame of mind.
I hate my belly button being touched, the feeling when somebody touches it, well its a strange expression but it goes right through me, makes me shudder to think about it!
I have 3 tattoos, the first one is a small heart on my right shoulder, I had it done when I was 18, by a man called Fat Bob at the local Tattoo parlour, the second is the Chinese symbol for birthmark on my right ankle (I was being ironic), and the 3rd and largest is a tribal symbol between my shoulderblades.
My short hair has been many different colours but the brightest colour it has been is bright turquoise, one of my friends said I looked like a troll doll, you know the craze for these bright haired little dolls which comes and goes. The colour itself didn't last very long as I didn't like the attention it drew, I like to keep a low profile, but it seemed like a good idea at the time.
My first driving instructor told my siblings I would never pass a driving test. I passed in 1998 after 20 lessons after not driving for 10 years, I've now almost been driving 10years! I love to drive too!
I ran myself over with my own car! My handbrake had broken and I was having to leave my car in gear, something I don't do as a rule. It was a frosty morning after a long night shift, and I was taking moving boxes to my car, as it was frosty I opened the door and stuck the keys in and started the car to warm it up, forgetting that the car was in gear, the car itself jumped up the curb behind it and started rolling down a grassy bank, only being stopped by the wire fence at the bottom, as the car rolled down the hill I let go of the keys superfast and went under the car door, I was only bruised but there is still a dent in my leg. Apparantly this was all captured by the security cameras where I used to work but they never did manage to get me a copy.
I am absolutely hopeless at establishing a routine, although I do manage to clean my teeth everyday!
So thats seven, I'm not going to tag anyone else because it seems to be covered in most areas at the moment, if you want to list seven random things just go for it!
Cute bear! As long as you manage to brush your teeth everyday, everything thing else is frosting, right?
The little bear is gorgeous!
Nice to know some more about you :)
The bear is very cute :)
If anyone ever tries to touch my belly button I'm liable to take a swing at them - I hate it, hate it, hate it!
And the miters I'm knitting, I got the pattern from the Mason Dixon knitting book - the book's really good, and should be available at your local friendly library (anything to push the library service onto people) ;)
The little bitty bear is so cute!
I nearly fell out of my chair reading you'd run over yourself with your car!!!
I want to see your tats.
I love the little bear! :0)
So Cute!! PoloBear?
I've been tagged too...hmmm...thinking....
I love that little teddy, did you make him up?
I was going to say about what makes me react adversely but then I wouldn't have so much to write for the meme..lol
Oh, I love the wee bear! I especially love the simplicity of it. I read recently that those simpler bears get played with much more, as the ones that are seated and have poseable arms, etc, are already engaged and don't seem to NEED to be played with. Interesting, huh? Your bear is absolutely perfect.
What a sweet little thing!
I have never had anyone try to touch my belly button. I'm not sure what I would do if that happened...
What a lovely little bear - worth sewing that one up.
Your car story is funny I hope the hole in your leg fills out one day!
Ah what cute little bear:) This meme going around is so intersting . I too am lousy at routines
I can relate to the sewing bit. I sometimes contemplate why sewing just isn't there for me. Know exactly what you mean about psyching yourselve up. That said, lately I've been thinking I might like to sew a few things.
Where did you get the bear pattern or is it one of those things you just did?
Routines? Dreams.
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