This yarn still has a story of its own, I had all the skeins plied and skeined up on the niddy noddy, must have been about Friday the 18th May. Saturday morning I decide to give them a warm bath while I get dressed and go back to my soaking skeins only to find that the dark blue had somehow run and everything was a shade of blue, which although still looked pretty wasn't quite what I had in mind.

After its soak again the water was an alarming shade of indigo, but it has restored the white highlights to a pale blue colour, and something I'm much happier with. None of these pictures really capture the true combination of blue, green, pink and purple in this yarn, but it's really soft and pretty and ideal for baby clothes.
What do I do with all this handspun UK Marianne? Good question, well I did a craft fair last week, it wasn't very busy due to the horrendous weather we had, but the one thing I did sell was yarn!
I'm going to tidy my knitting cupboard this week, and will be sorting all the handspun out and anything good enough to sell that isn't lined up for a project will be going into my etsy shop.
Now I've written it down I better get on with it!
I can see you all wondering about the cookie cutters...it's how I can tell which skein is which before I label them up ready to sell.
Even if it wasn't as planned, the finished yarn is still very pretty. Do you have a link to your etsy shop?
Oh heavens....it's gorgeous either way....personally, I probably would've left it just because it is SO BEAUTIFUL!!!!!
I'll be checking your shop...
Really, really nice! I am, as always, so impressed with your finished product!
Jo (Jackie from the weavers and spinners group here)
That yarn is absolutely STUNNING. I love love love those colours. Oh what a talented lady!
Jackie x
I want that yarn so badly but I am now on a yarn diet. Officially. Have enough yarn to knit, oh, I dont' know, a HUGE thing... A bus cosy or something :D
I just 'got' the name of your blog.
Just call me bullet.....
Hope all well with you, best wishes, jackie xxx
Thanks for taking us through that process. It's very good to know that there are solutions to dye runs!
The chocolate bar yarn ran when setting the twist, but hey, it's brown anyway. :-) I just don't want to toss a pair of brown socks in with a load of laundry and get beige underwear.
That yarn is gorgeous , I must check out your etsy shop sometime.
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