Monday, February 25, 2008

D is for Dyeing

I've been doing quite a bit of dyeing lately, 1200 grammes last week, above is what's left after I sold five Saturday at my Weavers, Spinners and Dyers Guild meeting.


Marianne said...

Oh, Jo! They're Beautiful! How did you manage to have any left? mmmmmmm!

Marianne said...

...and why are they not listed in your Etsy shop? I went, I looked, not there!

picperfic said...

oooh Jo, they are so pretty...I have bought some dyes and some bare yarn but no time to play with it!

Charity said...

Jo, these are lovely! You have such an amazing eye for colour! :0)

Caroline said...

These are pretty - I'd like plaits like those.

Anonymous said...

those look good enough to eat. except that I don't eat yarn. can't believe that they didn't sell.


Anonymous said...

I'm so curious about dyeing. If someone wanted to learn how, is there a book or web site you would recommend? Does it take a lot of space and equipment? I have neither!

Anonymous said...

I think my exact words were "Oh Jo!!" That's so beautiful, I bought a dying book and can't wait for summer to try things out!


Anonymous said...

I can see why you sold so many right off! LOVE that colorway on the far right.

Jen said...

Which WSD are you at? The East Sussex one was on the 16th so is this the Kent one? I really must learn to dye

Sheila said...

Jo, the colors are beautiful. And I am enjoying your ABCs. I will have to check out the art knitting group on Ravelry. Do they allow those who love to see others knit art?

Anonymous said...

Beautiful :)

Stefania said...

Hi I'm about to start spinning, but I can't choose which site to buy batts and spindle from... can you help me?
many thanks, and hats off to your works, they're charming!

Anonymous said...

Great dyes! Do you plan to put any on Etsy?

Echoing Stefania, where do you get your bats?