Ok it wasn't too bad, but it's a trip I could have done without and to top it all it rained all day, I did a swift trip around the LYS just incase, but nothing took my fancy, well there's a colour in the Regia Sock Yarn St-r-e-t-c-h, that always catches my eye, but hasn't found its way home with me, yet!
So tonight I'm off to a Dance Party thing at The Rooms, my friends Erica and Melita are holding a Nearly New Years Dance Party, these events are always great, and I've got to take some knitting as I'm going to teach Deborah how to purl!
How cool is that, a nearly new year's dance...Have lots of fun!
Oh, and I know all about that birthday shopping during the in between time, Havala's BD is the 3rd, so, when's Neo's BD?
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