Monday, February 07, 2011


Well not unexpectedly I have now reached my due date and am counting the days hoping the bump will arrive before the medical profession insist on inducing me! Neo was 2 weeks late, infact he was due 4th Jan 2004 and arrived on the 18th, so this baby could be here any time between now and the 19th Feb.

Infact Rosanna has started a Stork Pool in the limegreenjelly ravelry forum, whoever guesses closest to the day. Strangely enough my mum had all four of us on Thursdays!

So apart from gazing into space, moving into my new home, washing baby things and preparing for the new arrival I have been doing a little knitting and spinning. Infact I finished some singles last night and did some chain plying today.

I haven't had much of a knitting mojo of late but I did start some handspun thrummed mittens just before Christmas. I just need to stitch up the top of one and then pick up and do the thumbs, although it looks like we may have seen the last of the freezing weather.

They'll be able to keep my handies warm next winter while I'm pushing the bump around!