One Spiderweb Capelet, ready for delivery to its recipient! This pattern started life in the book Stitch & Bitch Nation by Debbie Stoller, although the pattern as written in the book is complete tishtosh, and even if you cast it on and carefully follow it religiously 3 times without making any mistakes, it basically won't work out. You will basically get so many stitches you won't know what to do with them all, and it will look nothing like this capelet, or the picture in the book.
Now at this point if the garment was for me I may just throw it across the room and give up, then again who wants to beaten by a Spiderweb Capelet.
Anyway it's not for me, and not one to be beaten by a mere capelet I called for re-inforcements in the shape of Heather who has just moved to her new blog home. Heather is a whizz with numbers, knitting and patterns, I could see what was wrong, but I didn't know how to fix it.
The yarn is Wendy Allegra in the shade Flora, it's a nice soft alpaca, polyester, acrylic. I think I knitted it on 10mm needles, and used less than 2 balls.
It not something I would wear, and apart from the problems it was a nice little knit, although my favourite part of all has to be the pompoms.
Unfortunately progress on the toddler cardigans has been halted by a complete *£#! UP, oh yes indeedy, they were both blocked and ready to finish. I was visiting the friend who's daughters are going to be wearing these cardigans at the weekend and just held the largest one up to see how the size was, and oh b*gg!r, I've only gone and knitted the wrong blinking size, it was a size too big, doh!
So that was frogged and I am about to re-knit the sleeves. I've also now got a full complement of arm measurements for both girls, just to be on the safe side!
I'm still trying to get past the "Stich and Bith nation" title Jo--cracks me up. Anyhow, how incredibly cool--and to wear your own art as clothing!!
Love that capelet, well done for not letting it beat you!
And what wonderful pompoms, so perfect. Mine just fall apart into a fibery mess!
Oh and you're a winner, come see!
So glad to hear you prevailed over the Capelet! :0) It looks lovely!
Wow, lovely pom poms, I've never, ever made them and I hear once you've gone and made them...there's just no going back.
Tough break on the little cardi... but at least it's small, right?
The Spiderweb Capelet is lovely.
Finally, some colour again:))
The capelet is gorgeous!
How cute is that? I love the colour.
My Lu would wear that as a skirt, eek ;-)
love to you, jackie xxx
That's really cute! I've suddenly become attracted to shawl-like pieces. No lace for me though, been livin' with guys to long to wear something delicate.
Just a question though....instead of frogging and re-knitting wouldn't it be easier to let recipient grow into the sweater?
That's just me, I have a hatred of ripping stuff out!
The capelet looks great! Fab pompoms - well done :-)
The capelet looks great, ive been toying with the idea of knitting it ever since I bought that book absolute yonks ago, but have never gotten round to it. Interesting that the pattern isn't the best, ive found that with a couple of the patterns from that book.
Oh, boy -- "tishtosh" is my new word for the week! Hee hee hee.
I have to agree with Jill. I knit Rose's sweaters big on purpose so she can wear them longer.
Your post made me giggle today!
Consider my pom-poms well and truly shaken!
Nice colourways - never been sure about the whole 'caplet' thing. To me it's only one small step away from a poncho - and I'd rather go up the garden & stick pins in my eyes then enter the land of ponchomania.
I think it looks great on you and I think Kath knitted this pattern as a gift for someone and she had probs with it also.Dont you just hate it when you have to frog & re -knit but if its for someone else WHAT do you do ? Good girl for sticking to it !!!
I have just bought some of that yarn for a quick knit for myself but am not sure if I like my pattern either !!
This Capelet looks ever so cute! I'm glad that you didn't let it beat you, the result is definitely worth it! Very beautiful!
Glad the pattern didn't defeat you! Not sure waht Mum was thinking of but I've not tried that - not to say I haven't fancied it at one point or another but decided perhaps a capelet wasn't quite me! Love the colours in the yarn and those pompoms look so lovely and fluffy! Pity about the cardi - DD has to put up with too large garments and wear them until she grows out of them. I made one for her from a Sirdar book in size 12-18 months and it's still on the big size even now she's now far off 2 and a half!! Poor thing!
ooops about the toddler cardis! You do suit that colour of the capelet...nice pompoms!!
Nevermind the caplet - love your hair!
Grrr - on the poor instructions.
Jo, the capelet looks great. The color is wonderful. I wanted to make it for my daughter but I will think again since the pattern is so poorly written. The pom poms are GREAT!
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