Saturday, December 01, 2007

On the First Day of Christmas.... true love gave to me seven Christmas stockings on a home-made Christmas tree!

Ok so my true love didn't give these to me, I'm just using poetic license, and there are 35 mini Christmas stockings ready for the craft fair.

They measure 5cms long by just over 5cms tall.

Its a very simple pattern based on a basic baby bootee, and by the time you get to the 3rd stocking you will be able to knit it without the pattern. Being small they are a quick little knit with minimal finishing....infact if you are very clever you could probably knit it up from the sole seamlessly. I can knit one of these in about 45 minutes!


oddments of double knit yarn for foot and leg, oddments of fuzzy yarn for top edging,either use a fine mohair type doubled or some kind of fuzzy dk. Small amount of filling material. Dpns to give a firm gauge, I have been using 3.25mm. Gauge isn't crucial....I haven't swatched!

Cast on 24 sts, distribute these onto 3 dpns, 8 sts on each needle.

Round 1: Join in the round being careful no to twist, [inc, k10, inc] repeat once (28sts)
Round 2: purl
Round 3: [inc, k12, inc] repeat once (32sts)
Round 4: purl

Knit 5 Rows

Re-distribute the stitches so there are 8 stitches on needle 1 and needle 3 and 16 stitches on needle 2

Round 10: k 18, SSK turn
Row 11: p5, p2 tog turn
Row 12: k5 SSK turn
Continue repeating rows 11 and 12 until there are 6 stitches on needle 2, ending on a purl row (22 stitches in total)

Turn, knit 6 stitches on needle 2, pick up a stitch in the gap and knit it together with the 1st stitch on needle 3 to prevent a hole forming and re-commence knitting in the round, when you reach the end of needle 1 pick up a stitch and knit it together with the first stitch on needle two, to prevent a hole forming.
Continue knitting stocking stitch in rounds until stocking measures approx 5cm or desired length, change to fuzzy yarn and work 4-6 rows of garter stitch edging as required, starting with a knit row.

stitch stocking sole together, stuff foot with polyester filling, stitch small ribbon or plait a cord and apply to stocking top for hanging, add sweets and hang on tree!

Please use and abuse this pattern but link back to me and share photos of your Christmas creations!


Marianne said...

Those are SOOO CUTE!!! Sweeet! with a pattern to boot! (pun intended :^)
Thanks, darlin'!... now did your true love give you the tree? ;^)

Anonymous said...

They turned out super cute! I remember you mentioning them when I talked to you last week. Or the week before. Sometime, in the not *too* distant past!

Anonymous said...

Too cute!

Anonymous said...

Blogging is giving me hives - the anon post was me aghhhhhh!!!!

Peri x

picperfic said...

oh how lovely...thanks for the pattern too! Would make great gift tags with a choc in them :^)

Anonymous said...

Fabulous!! Yesterday I thought of a great tree for our Tree fundraiser. Then fate decided to share with me several "tree stocking" patterns to emphasize the decision. Watch for more details. And...thanks for sharing your pattern!!

KimK said...

I love them! So adorable!

Ang said...

They are wonderful!

Anonymous said...

What a great idea for the tree...I wonder if I have time to knit a few.

Amelia of Ask The Bellwether said...

So cute! I love "small knits" - thanks for sharing them!

Sheila said...

Those are the cutest little stockings ever. I hope your Christmas Craft fair went well and that you sold every one.

blog-blethers said...

The stockings and tree are wonderful ... making me come over all festive! Hope the fayre went brilliantly and thank you for sharing the pattern. Maybe next year for me as I'm still ploughing my way through 16 face clothes for gifts;)

Seahorse said...

Those are fab!

The cranberries on my blog aren't home grown btw - although I'm hoping my plant will fruit next year!

Strumpstickan said...

Great pattern, I save it for keeps:)

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