This is Superwash BFL, one of my favourite fibres to spin, it's just so sproingy!
So the blogiversary is Thursday, hard to believe it's been 2 years! I've decided to have a little contest, I was looking at colourways over on the Blue Moon Fiber Arts website, there are so many lovely colours to choose from I've been finding it hard to pick one, so to win a skein of STR for yourself all you need to do is pick one out for me and leave a comment on this post telling me why you've picked that colour.
I'm going to leave the contest open till Thursday 25th September, I will either pick my favourite comment or I'll put all the entries in a random number generator, it really depends how many entries I get!
I love those purpley-green hues, Jo. Beautiful spinning!
If you fancy ever knitting the short sleeved Noro top and want to borrow the book, give me a shout. Am happy to post it on...
Wonderful new yarn, Jo!
I choose Blue Moonstone for you, because it is beautiful and mysterious and rare and far away, as are you. :0) Plus, I think it's very pretty.
Beautiful handspun yarn, Jo. GORgeous!
Mercy, picking a colour from all those fabulous choices... actually there are colourways that call your name, the colours you usually dye or spin so I thought mixing it up for you would be fun...
one choice was Covelite, those purples and browns, very pretty, but I'm going with Hurdy Gurdy, you get the colours you love plus an extra exciting one, that's outside your usual, eh?
I also considered 'Walking on the Wild Tide... for the obvious :^) plus it's pretty.
That is gorgeous yarn!
Happy blogiversary! I'm going to suggest Jail House Rock, mostly because it's a song title as your fibres are - I know there are other ones that fit that description, but that was the one that stood out for some reason (you need not enter me in the contest, though, since you already sent me some wonderful yarn).
Hi Jo, happy Bloggiversary! I'm going to suggest 'The Cookie Next Door' as not only are the colours gorgeous but having met you, I really wish you were The Cookie Next Door! x
Grawk of the Raven Clan: "Raspberries in pond scum drowned in black. Loud and just a wee bit obnoxious. Attention is what he craves and he will get it. From the primordial ooze, he has risen to wreak a bit of havoc. Trickster? Definitely!"
How could you resist - humour, malice and fabulous colour. You can just see that brilliant eye observing from a height. And surely Death of Rats is hiding somewhere nearby!
As everyone has said there are far too many colours to choose from but were I to suggest one I'd say 'Knitters without Borders' as your spinning and dyeing has always been open to new ideas an knows no borders, plus it's a darn good cause! Love the latest colours in your spinning, really soothing shades!
You always inspire me to get spinning again!
I like Jewel of the Nile and Chapman Springs. I know I was only supposed to pick one, but I couldn't decide.
Have you any idea how hard it is to pick just one of these colourways?? For someone else that is, its almost as hard as choosing for yourself ;-)
I'm going with TreeHugger because your spinning always reminds me of earthy things, nice earthy things, so why not go and hug a tree or two?? the purple and light green colours are great in it.
Happy blogaversary!!
"Lagoon" in the Watercolor Wave family is just gorgeous. The greens floating in the deep blue look just like strands of kelp. I think you'd really love seeing the shades of blue and green flow through your fingers and into fabric.
Also love the new yarn. Those lighter shades are so beautiful.
Great colours you've been spinning.
I unearthed my wools today for the first time in about 4 years and discovered that moth had got in... it was heart-rending but I had to chuck so much... I kept the ones which had been wrapped properly... but that wasn't much...
From Blue Moon Fibre's site I like the Christmas Balls in the Mutlicolor Wave section - they look very cheerful and VERY mixed!
Tlingit in the raven clan or eggplanted.
Both to celebrate the autumn harvest and the preponderance of Corvae:)
Muddy Bottom Breakdown - the name is wonderful...
I would choose Algae (from Watercolor wave) or Walking on the Wild Tide (from Multicolor wave) for you. I really like lightweight STR.
Happy blogversary, I'm sending your last packet tomorrow.
Secret Pal
I'm saying "moody blues." 1. It's a british band from a certain era. 2. It's your colors, but deeper, so it's a stretch, but you aren't going to snap. 3. Who doesn't need another blue? Even you.
Love you darlin' - happy blogaversary. My how you've grown!
Your yarn? It's amazing. SO pretty.
As far as STR goes, I really cannot narrow it down to one. With that said, a friend of mine just used Fire on the Mountain, and her socks are absolutely striking. I'm sort of drawn to Autumn and Gingerbread Dude. AND, last month I saw Pride in person, and I'm still kicking myself for not getting a skein. Let's see. For you? I choose Autumn. Because 'tis the season! (Incidentally, in a few months, I will choose Gingerbread Dude for you. I'm a sucker for seasonal socks.)
Such a tough choice. Good luck to you! (And happy blogiversary to you!)
Oh those colors are gorgeous you just spun. I'll bet they knit up nicely.
I choose 24 Karat. It's hard to find a good gold. Happy Blogiversary
I choose Rook-y, to complement your lovely spinning, because it's got the same kind of pastel colours, but with black - and that has me baffled - pastel black???
Oh there really are too many to choose from aren't there!
I really wanted to choose Motley Hue but alas there is no photo, so I can't.
I have chosen, in that case, "Rolling Stone"
Full of colour and fun and always on the go.
Have a wonderful Blogversary and well done to you.
oh and I forgot to say, that handspun, as always is just beautiful.
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