Saturday, October 13, 2007

The List

Top of the list this year was a visit to Habu, last year we visited the show on Sunday and alot of Habu's wares were well picked over, even first thing Thursday I didn't quite get all I would have liked. You see here 4 cones of stainless steel and silk, one cone of copper boo (this is a copper wrapped bamboo), and one cone of very fine gauge stainless steel.

There was less fibre at the show this year and I was disappointed not to see Handweavers Studio, but Kerrie's silk is always very great value!

These are 2 large sheets of prefelt, or needle punch felt, I am hoping to make a bag with the blue and a decorative vessel with the brown!

Brightly painted Shetland from Jen at Fyberspates!

Knitwitches gossamer kid mohair in Winter Sunset.

Highlight of the day has got to be standing at a book stall, where Nicky Epstein was doing book signings, an example of a kidsilk, shibori scarf was on the table and I was explaining to my friend Sheryl how it was done, as I already have Knitting Never Felt Better. We were inbetween times for Nicky to be signing, but as I was explaining how it was done she creeps up behind me taking me completely by surprise. We had a great chat, and she's very down to earth.


Charity said...

Ooooh, Ahhhhh, look at all the lovely treasures! :0)

Seahorse said...

What lovely stuff! What are your plans (if any) for the Habu stainless steel? I bought some on sale a little while ago but I'm really not sure of it's best use!

Marianne said...

Mmmmm, ALL wonderful lovelies!
What a hoot about Nicky! glad you got to visit with her!

Peri said...

Oooo lovely fibre.......jealous!!

Artis-Anne said...

Oh lovely yarns and fibers
; sounds like you hada great day out chatting with celebs :)

KimK said...

How fun, and what great loot!

picperfic said...

I must admit, Habu is starting to get my fancy a bit but I feel I am not dainty enough to wear their strikingly fragile looking designs, I still fancy knitting with the wire though! I had a great time, spent far too much but so muc to love and look at and squeeze fondly! My plan today is to tidy the house, from top to bottom so I can play for hours, guilt free ~ some plan eh? ;^)

Strumpstickan said...

I liked that Brightly painted Shetland:)

Ang said...

my computer is going to start sparking with the amount of drool over it....oh all that yarn and fibre, must have been heaven!

Pat said...

Beautiful fibre...wish I could have got to Ally Pally myself this year.

By the way I'm tagging you with a booky meme I found in the blogosphere - feel free to join in or not as the mood takes you.


Anonymous said...

Jo, you are a winner!
Congratulations, I hope you like lace knitting because the prize is a hank of suri alpaca.
I noticed that you also went to Ally Pally, wasn't it fabulous this year? I could have rolled in some of the yarn :)
Do you live in the UK? If so let me know when the postal strike is over, then I can be sure that this piece of lushiousness gets to you.

Sussex Yorkie said...

The Habu looks interesting, must put them on my list for next year.

Heather said...

What beautiful things! You did very well. The habu yarns look really interesting, I am looking forward to seeing them knitted up.

Sheila said...

I am very interested in seeing what you knit/do with the metals. They are a great color combination. I don't spin, and the fiber all looks yummy.

Peri said...

Are you going to the Sussex Spinners thing at Lewis next weekend? Just curious :-D

Kath said...

What a load of lovely goodies! That Habu does look interesting but I don't think I'd know where to start regarding what to make with them!! Great story about Nicky!