Thursday, November 08, 2007

I can spin a Rainbow!

That yummy Shetland Fibre from Jen over at Fyberspates that I bought at Ally Pally got spun at the weekend. I was a bit worried with all those colours that I would end up with muddy colours if I didn't chain ply... but I carried on and plied it as a 2-ply anyway...I just dont enjoy chain plying...maybe its not for everyone...anyway inspite of my worries it turned out ok!

Well better than ok really, I think its flippin great! It's one of those yarns that will eventually find something to be....I'm thinking gloves at the moment, but when it finds its voice it will speak to me. 165 g of squooshy handspun goodness, about a worsted/doubleknit weight!

The colours aren't dissimilar to this skein of pure gorgeousness that I was lucky enough to win over on JudyMacs blog. Its Cherry Tree Hill laceweight suri alpaca, and such divine colours, it would be a scandal to waste this yarn so I will be saving it for a special lace project, I have been looking for something fitting to knit Muir, and I can imagine it would make a stunning Muir, although I do also have that lovely Knitwitches laceweight too, still I can take a long think about it as I don't have time for a new project right now.

I was also lucky enough to win some Socks That Rock Lite over on Jills blog, and some stitch markers, a candle and a bath bomb, and chocolate, which didn't make the photo shoot, ( since I don't need to list bath bombs in my ravelry stash yet) I do have a project lined up for this here which I found over on Ravelry. The colourway is Highway 30, and I absolutely love it!

I did dye up quite a bit of fibre at the end of the Summer, and its being queued for spinning, as and when it tells me how it wants to be spun, I'm not always taken with my own dye jobs so I don't always take a before photo, although I really love these colours and was just having a go at plaiting, it may well make it onto the wheel next, it seemed apt to add it on to my COLOURFUL post!


KimK said...

Ooh! that yarn turned out great, not muddy at all. I can't wait to see what it ends up wanting to be!

Marianne said...

Mercy! a rainbow indeed, it's GORGEOUS! I could almost eat it! oh so pretty!
Congrats on your wins! you lucky young woman... those are wonderful yarns and oh yeah, Muir is a stunner and I LOVE the swirl socks!
Your braided fibre is beautiful.

Kath said...

Great colours in your Fyberspates stuff - reminds me I've still got some that's waiting to be spun! Lucky you winning such yummy yarns - the STR light colours are lovely - be nice to see how that knits up!

Anonymous said...

I love the yarn you spun. I looked at it, swooned a little, said "yummy" and then had to explain to the brother what it is that makes yarn "yummy". I hope you enjoy using the STR, I can't wait to see how it knits up!

Sheila said...

It really amazes me to see how yarn looks after it is spun. Sometimes the results really surprise me. I loved the fiber and the yarn is even better.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful! Can't wait to see the rest all spun up too!

Anonymous said...

I loved the braid, admired your fortitude to unbraid and spin, and then loooooved the result. I am now kneeling before you - clearly a really, really good spinner you are. I shall aspire to your skills! It's pretty, really pretty!

Ang said...

I don't think there will ever be a day where I don't come over to your blog and drool over the yarn you have spun...that is so, so beautiful.

Congratulations on your winnings, that yarn looks like fun too!

Anonymous said...

Oh, that yarn looks beautiful.

Anonymous said...

I love the fyberspates colourway :) I've got to go find it now!

Have fun :)

Anonymous said...

Brilliant yarn. It'll be fun to see what it turns out to be.

You've been doing some fun spinning. Makes me wish I weren't quite stuck in a rut.

Plum - it is perfect for you. Have you ever seen anything made from plum wood? Gorgeous wood!

Anonymous said...

Your handspun is so beautiful, the colours are totally vibrant and rich, not muddy at all! And congratulations on your wins - you're certainly a very lucky woman, these yarns look so fantastic and I love the colourways! Looking forward to seeing how they'll knit up!