Thursday, June 26, 2008


I love random, over on Caroline's blog, are some links to random a random lottery ticket, and a random wikipedia article, and finally, my favourite the random word generator.

Racing was my random word for today, I have been racing through June, and here we are on the brink of July.

Also on the topic of Racing I did consider signing up for the Tour de Fleece or the Tour de France Knitalong, but time is conspiring against me at the moment, and although I may find the time to knit every day, it is quite disjointed at the moment. Spinning everyday is a fantasy! Aprés Surf is waiting for me to look up which increases I need to use, because I want to make sure they're leaning the right way. Edited to add, finally looked up the increases and am plodding up the body of Seafoam Hoodie!

Yes the braids, all new colours, most of the top photo have gone to the Kent Show to decorate the Guild's stand with my bunting, but the others will be on etsy later this week!

This weeks SP12 Question is quite an interesting one:

What would you consider the perfect amount of stash?

I guess in some respects I do think I've got quite a good selection of stash, I've got some little habu gems, handspun I haven't decided to de-stash yet, a good selection of different weights, special gifted yarns from special people and I don't tend to buy new yarn unless it's for a specific purpose, because that's how some of the yarn I have bought in the past is still languishing in my stash waiting for the perfect project to come along!

I do lust over yarn, and I do check out people's stash on Ravelry and occasionally I do suffer from a bout of stash envy, but in the main I have enough yarn to keep me busy and the means to buy more if I need it, and enough fibre to keep me busy too, so I think that's perfect for me!


Marianne said...

Seriously, all those colours are so pretty and festive, cheerful, and they also look like one should be able to spoon up and eat!
Racing... indeed. I know the feeling all too well...
The perfect stash... :^)

Caroline said...

Lovely colours!

Glad you like my collection of random producing things... I spend far too much time playing with them....

Anonymous said...

I particularly like the braid on the left-handside, I love turquoise and red together :)

You wanted to know the weight of the yarn on my blog. It was DK, Navajo 3-ply, spun at 10:1 ratio. It is destined for a FairIsle something...

picperfic said...

not surprised the braids in the top photo have mostly sold, the colours are gorgeous! I need to stop buying yarn, in fact, I think I have...I have so much beautiful yarn to play with...

RedScot said...

Thank you for your comment on my blog! =)

I had to come and see yours and BOY, those braids are delicious! And the rock in the post below, um, rawks! ;-)

Interior Designers Vallejo said...

I really enjoyed your blog posts thank you