Just putting my head up above the parapet to let you know I'm still here, have been pretty busy for the last couple of weeks, and it shows no signs of slowing down just yet.
Have been dyeing some merino this week and have just been updating the shop:
On the wheel I have some merino/cashmere/silk:

On the needles: still working on a handspun scarf (tv and travel knitting ) and the Sweater of Doom, which is just the biggest swatch in the world!
Jo Darling, you do some of The Most Beautiful Dyed Fibres Ever! and your single on the bobbin, so very fine!
...ahem... what happened to 'I'm Blue'?
I always love seeing your dyeing - so beautiful! :o)
Gorgeous colours as usual!
Oh, my, it's a good thing I don't spin or I'd be after that lovely chocolate and cherry colorway on the bottom right! Gorgeous, all of them, as usual!
Lovely colours Jo and the spinning is great too :)
I've said it before and I'll say it again...you have a wonderful eye for colours!
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