The design itself is inspired by some very cracked painted woodwork, maybe when it is finished I will make a collage of the photos that inspired the design along with some artwork and progress photos!

This is also my other plodding project, it feels like I've been knitting it forever, the first half seemed to move really quickly, and now it just plods slowly. I did manage a few rows while watching Men of Honour last night (what a great film). But I'm not sure if I like it...I keep looking at the yarn and thinking it would make a lovely baby surprise jacket. My grim determination to knit things up with my handspun this year is definately wavering a bit!

Also the UK Winter Warmers Swap comes to a close this week, it was pre-arranged that all the parcels would go out the same week, which I think was a great idea. I posted my package to my unsuspecting victim , yesterday and came home to find this collection of goodies from my surprise swap partner! It's a package to make some thrummed mittens in a lovely shade of blue merino. I've always wanted to make some thrummed mittens, which my partner obviously picked up on. Also in my package were some Brittany Birch DPNS and a very large box of After Eights, yum! Special thanks to Ali for putting it all togther for me!

Not quite sure why blogger started typing in a different colour inbetween photo's, or what I can do to adjust it, so I'm just going to let it be!
I really like the inspiration behind the sweater of doom. And the other project is very pretty and although boring I'm sure it's worth sticking with.
Ooooo After 8's - yummy!
That scarf looks perfect for handspun! What's the pattern?
Gorgeous knitting, Jo! :o)
The Sweater of Doom is looking excellent! Also love the Holy Scarf (Batman).
Wow - the "Sweater of Doom" is amazing. I can't wait to see how it knits up. Your idea of the inspiration collage sounds really great, too. I'd love to see that.
Ah yes, the Sweater of Doom. I have several from the same family hanging around here
The sweater is looking really good.
Well done for "keeping on with the keeping on".
The sweater of doom is looking good and so is the scarf. Don't rip it! (Unless you really want to ;-) )
You really have The Clever Eye for design re: Sweater of Doom :^)
I can see how that scarf might get a bit sloggy but mercy it's gorgeous.
(I do, however, know just what you mean re: baby surprise jacket!)
Hey, Jo, I've nominated you for an award: http://fibercafe.blogspot.com/2009/02/award-for-me.html
What a very cool scarf. I love it. And the title sweater of doom is great.
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