All it needs now is ribbon, and then I'm going to make a matching double pointed needle roll.
When I went back into the sewing shop to get some interlining and the ribbon this offcut caught my eye, I'm thinking maybe a handy roll for my crochet hooks and some zip up project bags for small projects.
Don't worry though I won't get carried away, much as sewing can be quite quick to make a finished object compared to knitting, it just doesn't give me the same special feeling I get when connecting to fibre.
Great work!
Yes, I love your eye for colors and patterns. What a quick project with beautiful and useful results!
And I *love* Mariah, too!! Oh, the choices, the choices!
Oh that's lovely fabric. I keep thinking about making needle cases & have even bought some fabric to make them but seeing all the needles metal wood & bamboo, dpn's, circulars in different lengths and crochet hooks I have I think what I need is a small suitcases to keep the cases in !!
You certainly know your sock yarn :) it is Regia and its a new shade , thought I might like to try with a stripey one for interest before moving on to the good stuff I have hoarded away.
This is great and is making me feel guilty... I've not made myself a drawing roll... yet... oh dear... love yours!
Fabulous needle holders!
I've recently rediscovered knitting, having been prolific up until about 10 years ago. I'm not sure I can bring myself to blow the dust off the sewing machine just yet though x
Isn't it funny how sewing though faster just doesn't seem as rewarding. Of all the fiber skills, sewing is at the bottom of my list.
Great, eye-catching fabrics.
Beautiful print!
Thought you might like to know that The Guardian are doing a one off craft guide this Saturday Feb 3rd, which includes advice and craft projects for dressmaking, soft furnishings, embroidery, knitting, felting, making and revamping furniture and accessories for the home, garden crafts, recycling and craft projects for children.
Knitting features include knitting fever, best knitting on the web, how to knit basics, knitty gritty & tips for the needle novice.
Well worth a look. Please pass it on!
Ooh--good idea! I really need to make something for my assortment of circulars....and I do know how to sew (at least that's the rumor!). Mr. K would love it if I dust off the sewing machine...he still wants me to make him a quilt!
I just love any craft that can involve recycling... YOur needle rolls are beautiful and quite inspirational. Good work.
Sewing just isn't as satisfactory, is it, - probably why I like to knit all in one (though I've never steeked yet!) and I hate joining seams in my woollies.
Beautiful work Jo. I like the linear and somewhat abstract nature of these!
You are tagged!
I've been meaning to make one of these for about a year!!! You did a fantastic job with yours. It really is something special. Thanks for sharing and reminding me that I need to tackle this one, too.
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