Yay! So I unleashed the wheel last night, I purchased these batts mid November from Rachel-Marie at
KnittyDirtyGirl. I was wary of spinning these and making a mess of it, but now that I have so many batts to spin, and I've also just been promised a long time lend of a drum carder too, so I gave it a whirl. The colours may not be everyone's cup of tea, but I love 'em!

I've got the 2 skeins soaking in the sink now, and will leave them on my rack to set the twist. I'm living a bit dangerously leaving it as a singles yarn, more details and close-ups on completion.
Hey it looks great!
Could I save these pics in my customer creations set on flickr?
Thanks again for posting this, and I think you'll really love your drum carder. It gives some much creative freedom.
As for the colors - I love mixing random bits of this and that! It creates a hodge podge crazy quilt type feeling. I am glad you like it too! =)
Holy Smokes, look at you go! Jo, you are a constant inspiration for me, I love your spinning.....and well, that bright acid yellow kind of hurts my eyes but when it's blended in with the others.....I really like the overall look, beautiful!
Spinning looks fun! great work!
I like the colours!
Very nice! Now tell me the truth: is my brain going to melt if I try to learn to do that? I mean, you make it look easy and all....but....
Hi Jo :-)
Thanks for calling over at the blog!
Congrats on having the courage to do the C&G course, I hope you enjoy it.
Interesting batts you've got there, soon you'll be able to mix your own...think of the possibilities ;-)
Do you know Wingham Wool yet? Great place for fibre/ rovings / slivers etc at a reasonable price.
Fluted bannister socks ??
interest peeked .
Thanks for that tip on the jaywalkers ..i dont like tight legs .I had a look at the pattern and came away with falling leaves for a different color wool .!!
Wow! I am certainly impressed!
I like the colors! Do you know what the yarn will become? To me it seems to fairly shout out that it wants to be a colorful sweater. But then, I've got sweaters on the brain. Wish I could spindle & knit faster.
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