Monday, April 20, 2015

To Infinity and Beyond...

Spring has definitely sprung and I distracted myself from my knitting with this fabulous puzzle called Bizarre Bookshop. I just loved the illustration so much when I saw someone else show off a picture of it that I had to have it and the littleun is now big enough to know not to throw puzzle around. Infact he's quite into doing jigsaw puzzles himself so it's a winwin situation!

I put a new 'generous' warp on the loom to make some more cowls and do a bit of sampling!
I have some colcolastic which I wove into a sample and washed. I like the sample and the effect was ok, I just thin it would be better with finer yarns. I can get a similar but not so elastic effect by throwing my weaving into the washing machine and forgetting where it is.

This is the first off the loom. What I like most about making these Infinity Cowls is they are shorter than a scarf and I can really just play with colours and textures endlessly in this format, well until I run out of yarn, (yeah as if that's ever going to happen!)

The knitting has been slow, maybe because I have 2 projects on the go now! The mittens (Jazz Hands) have been progressing very slowly mainly because my gauge was off, frogged, the cast on was too curly, frogged, the colourwork was interfering with the thumb increases making them look ugly and weird, frogged's a case of two rows knitted one row frogged, but I do love this yarn and pattern (apart from the thumb) and I will hopefully have a new pair of mittens, just in time for next Winter I expect!

As for cardigan knitting, I'm still on the sleeves (2 at a time) and it seems I'm on a go slow as I just haven't been sitting still watching tv that much.

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