Maybe hate is a bit too strong a word! I don't hate the glove and it is not the gloves fault that it is too small,and must therefore be frogged. I wouldn't mind so much if I hadn't bothered to check my tension (gauge), but I did. I think my brain must have been off sipping cocktails in a seedy bar, possibly with Mrs K's brain, whilst I was carefully counting stitches, and rows, and double checking, my gauge.

Just leaving you with this cute out-take from my Shedir photo shoot. Neo has been asking me to knit him a hat
although another Shedir is out of the question, been there, done that! He's asked for green although when I got home with the green, he asked for blue, I don't think he's sure, maybe he's blue/green colourblind either that or just a typically contrary child. I'm thinking of winging it for this one, just making it up as I go.
Jo, I love that glove cable pattern, is this something your creative mind came up with? lovely!
Neo, you beautiful boy, I'd say go with the blue, just look at those eyes!
YAY Jo! day 2 post 2
Don't know if Dec will be my post a day month or not...hmmmmmmmmm, see, I don't really want to take any more photos of the snow and I'm just enjoying seeing them there, plus perhaps a bit of laziness????
I'm back...yay..found some candy canes..they do have corn syrup listed in ingredients but it's NOT the high fructose type..I wouldn't do that to you guys.
The Shedir is so detailed, just breathtaking. Good for you to be proud of it. It looks wonderful on Neo with his expressive blue eyes. And why shouldn't a child want something in many different colors. :-)
I know what you mean about the difficulty of spinning thick. It seems a person either naturally spins thick or thin from the beginning.
Best wishes on a blog a day!
Hope everyone is well and everything is okay - you haven't blog now in several days. Sending warm thoughts your way.
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