On the knitting front I finished my first Jaywalker yesterday afternoon.
No photos as yet but I'm making good progress on the second sock already.
I'm also upto row 12 on the sleeves for Durrow.

I'd also like to show you the beautiful stitch-markers that Marianne made for me, I have 2 sets in the same colours, which as you can see are extremely useful for marking the pattern in this project!
While I'm on the subject of Marianne, she has been here every day this month to comment and cheer me on through this daily blog challenge, and I'd just like to take this opportunity to publicly

I'd also like to thank all my other visitors and commentors aswell.
Its been a funny month to set myself the target of daily blogging, and some days it's been difficult finding material, but I've made it!
See you on the other side!
They look really pretty with the Durrow yarn,eh?
I'm really glad you like them, you can't imagine. You can always mix them up, which I guess you have, ;)
It wasn't a humiliation at all, I snorted and giggled when I read that.
So, now that you're sort of in the habit of blogging daily, will you post more often now?
I need to do that....one of these months,eh? like February? hee hee
You did it! I'm so proud of you! Have a peace-filled New Year!
The grey Durrow yarn is the perfect shade, IMHO.
Happy New Year! May it be as full of success as your blog-a-day resolution.
P.S I cracked up at your e.t. sightings. :-)
Happy new Year!
"come on over to my place,baby"
(those are words to an old old song)
Hi Jo - thanks for visiting my blog!
I've not knitted in a while but those markers are gorgeous and I can see how useful they'd be.
You've manged to post everyday throughout December? That's truly amazing - well done!
Hi Jo ..thanks for the comment and you are right Marianne is very inspiring .She has kept me going really .
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